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Hellenic Court of Audit Uncovers Irregularities in Multimillion-Euro Contracts

Hellenic Court of Audit Uncovers Irregularities in Multimillion-Euro Contracts
In December 2024, the Hellenic Court of Audit flagged several contracts worth tens of millions of euros as illegal, exposing irregularities in public procurement processes.

The Court, a constitutional authority responsible for auditing the expenditure and revenue of the Greek State, local government agencies, and other legal entities, continues to play a critical role in ensuring financial integrity and transparency.

The Court conducted a pre-contractual review of 747 contracts, collectively valued at €854.4 million, and issued 340 review decisions.

While the majority of contracts were deemed lawful, 25 contracts—amounting to a total value of €244 million—were ruled illegal. Although these contracts represent only 3.46% of the total reviewed, their value accounts for an outsized 39.97% of the total worth of approved contracts.

The disproportionate financial weight of the illegal contracts is attributed to their scale, as many involved high-value agreements. The Court’s pre-contractual review units, which assess contracts exceeding €1.7 million, reviewed 178 contracts with a combined value of €685 million. Among these, 11 contracts worth €236.6 million were found to violate legal standards.

Similarly, the commissioner services of the Court, responsible for examining contracts valued between €300,000 and €1.7 million, reviewed 569 contracts with a combined value of €169.4 million. Out of these, 14 contracts totaling €7.3 million were declared illegal.